
Are Just Desserts
...Experience the Sweet Rewards"
With Perry A~ on the platform you
can have your cake and eat it, too. Her books and light-hearted,
after-dinner Freudianism will put you at ease. Marvel as Perry A~,
the author of People Are Just Desserts, asks one simple question,
then nails your personality style by analyzing your dessert choice
answer. You will experience a dynamic shift in perception and in
turn, discover that it is easier to digest people in your life if you
see them as desserts. She is truly amazing and as the world's only
dessert analyst, you will see that she is the only relationship expert
you will EVER want to book again.
Be ready for a roller coaster ride of emotions from sympathy to
sidesplitting laughter. Meet the person Perry A~ couldn't digest
-- her wife-in-law (the woman that married her ex two months after the
divorce). You will discover how to make a dynamic shift in your
perceptions about people and turn heartache into enlightened joy.
You will discover a newfound sense of freedom, and know that unlimited
possibilities lay ahead. Learn the secrets of freeing yourself
from destructive, limiting and erroneous misperceptions easily by seeing
people as desserts.
Your audience will recognize the unlikely teachers in their lives and
rejoice when they understand why they are there. Every person in
your life has a gift - a sweet reward - just for you. Most of us
get so caught up in our own biased thinking and judgments, we can't even
see the gift that is already in hand. Once you begin to view
people through dessert colored glasses, you'll be amazed at the difference
it makes in your relationship success ratio. Uncover the secrets
to building productive and lifelong relationships. The key
ingredient in this performance is a dynamic shift in perception.
The delicious by-products are improved team building talents, diversity
appreciation and unmatched productivity.
If you're ready to experience unparalleled satisfaction, both personally
and professionally, then you're ready for Perry A~!
"The Morning the Cowboys Came to Breakfast:
You don’t have to go far to experience cultural diversity. Join Perry A~ on her journey from Houston ‘City Girl’ to life as a newlywed on a ranch in Seymour, Texas. You will roar with laughter as Perry A~ reveals the unwritten rules of living in a small town. You will learn why the sweetest words a housewife in Seymour ever hears are, “Come on honey, we’re going to the Rock Inn Café!” So strap on your boots and prepare to hear the tale of the morning the cowboys came to breakfast! You are guaranteed to leave “a little bit country.”
Bonus Services
Free books and products given to volunteer participants
during the program.
Free book markers for attendees.
Discount rates available for bulk orders of books.
Sample pre and post articles for newspaper releases
Teaser articles and letters for advance promotional
Sponsor packet with benefits to an outside sponsor.
Perry A~ will be available after the presentation to do
dessert readings for attendees.